OMGGGG!!!! Sour Grapes! That video is JUST like my office! Don't you DARE ask them to do, aha, hmmm anything? more than minimal?
They call in late ALL the time, they 'get sick'... they are ready to scream "mental health'!/ HR, and totally have their latte's, starbucks, etc.
It is ALLLLL about THEM! Ages? There were a couple in their 20's, but these are the 30-40 year olds.
I have a few co-workers that actually work, are courteous, and reasonable. They are the 'older' generation, 50+, except this one girl, she is around 40, very polite, quiet, helpful.
Is it just the 'society', the 'culture' that we live in? I just don't know, but I absolutely hate their attitude. They want ME to come to THEIR desk to answer questions... Will they come to mine? NOT! Me first, me first, me always..... that is how I would describe them.